100% Guarantee
Radar Rodney is the only company that offers a 100% guarantee – either I get you a result or your deposit is refunded.
Traffic Violation? Challenge All Tickets. Save Time/Money
All traffic violations like; rolling through a stop sign, using a cell phone in a car, or not wearing a seat belt can be challenged. Or if you receive by the Police a radar speeding ticket, school zone Ticket or a red light camera ticket it doesn’t matter, I can help you. Contact Radar Rodney Traffic Ticket Services in Winnipeg and the surrounding area if you have questions or concerns regarding all traffic violations and find out how I can save you time and money. I have helped many people throughout Manitoba and would be happy to see how I can help you. The consultation is free so challenge that traffic violation by contacting Radar Rodney today. You have nothing to loose, email me your concern, or if you prefer give me a call (204.997.3754), I would be happy to talk. Also check out my Tickets And Fines, Q&A section for more information to questions you might have.
Traffic Violation, Speeding Ticket, Or Red Light Camera Ticket In Winnipeg Or The Surrounding Area? Contact Radar Rodney Traffic Ticket Services.
Always remember that a simple ticket that you just go and pay can lead to bigger problems down the road. So avoid potential costly points against your license, money out of your pocket and lost time by contacting Radar Rodney Traffic Ticket Services in Winnipeg today.

Radar Rodney Can You Help Me?
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not hear back from us within 24 hours please call 204.997.3754 to ensure your email has been received.