100% Guarantee

Radar Rodney is the only company that offers a 100% guarantee – either I get you a result or your deposit is refunded.

Photo Radar

Cell Phone or Other Traffic Violation, Radar Rodney Can Help

Cell phone, speeding, red light camera, photo radar, or other traffic violation tickets in Winnipeg and the surrounding area, it doesn’t matter I deal with them all and can help! STOP, if you received a ticket for your cell phone, or any other traffic violation contact me today before you pay. I offer a free consultation and assessment of your situation. I have helped many people and businesses get their cell phone tickets or other fines reduced or thrown out of court. Save money, avoid fines and points against your license with experience on your side. Call on your cell phone or land line to save: Radar Rodney 204.997.3754 or if you like email me about your situation and I will get back to you in a timely manner.

Cell Phones Or Other Violations Can Be Dealt With Right When You Use Radar Rodney.


Radar Rodney Can You Help Me?

File Attachment: Please note that if you plan on sending me a scanned ticket, I only accept jpg or pdf files. File size can be no larger than 512 mb.

Choose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, wax. Max. file size: 512 MB

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not hear back from us within 24 hours please call 204.997.3754 to ensure your email has been received.